2011年7月14日 星期四

Elecom New Mouse design

Elecome's New Mouse design.
This really brings mouse to another level from other cold 3C products.

[via cool3c]

2011年7月11日 星期一

2011年7月8日 星期五

Ashcraft Aria - Environmentally Friendly

Designer: Britt Ashcraft for Ashcraft Design
Ashcraft Aria concept headphones 是採用許多回收再利用的材料來做設計。
Headband (頭戴部分)是利用回收吉他上的木頭, Ear cups (耳殼)是用回收的鋁材製作的.
至於內側的縫製皮革,則利用了回收的包包, 皮衣...等的資源做利用.

Quality audio equipment is rarely cheap, but did you ever stop to think about the environment? The Ashcraft Aria concept headphones are made from a combination of recycled materials and advanced audio technology designed for audiophiles. The headband is wrapped with wood recycled from acoustic guitars and the ear cups are made from reclaimed aluminum. The quilted leather surrounding the ear cups and lining are made from materials reclaimed from bags, jackets and other clothing. When it comes to sound, it comes from 40mm titanium-plated drivers that are tuned to offer some serious clarity.


2011年7月5日 星期二

Apple Staff: Keepers Of The A.P.P.L.E. Code

原來APPLE 可不光只是一個LOGO那麼單純, 還包含了他最強調的的品牌理念。

Bbasic in-store guidelines for the staff to facilitate consistent customer interactions:
* A pproach customers with a personalized warm welcome.
* P robe politely to understand all the customer’s needs.
* P resent a solution for the customer to take home today.
* L isten for and resolve any issues or concerns.
* E nd with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.

[via PSFK]